Barbara Wagner

Barbara-Wagner-tnPleasant Valley School District
Teacher and Administrator

” As long as I remember I loved school… “




Barbara Wagner is a long-time, well-respected career educator who has been an active contributing member of the community, and whose efforts, energy, and expertise have positively affected the lives of thousands of children.

Her experience in public education is extensive, with both site and district experience. She enjoyed her time as a teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent.

Wagner served as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services for the Pleasant Valley School District, and as an educational consultant for ETS / Pulliam, working with underperforming districts and has served the county in numerous communities. In addition, she has been an adjunct professor for the California State University System and California Lutheran College.

She has extensive experience in district organizational practice, designing instructional programs, and working with communities to bring about positive change. In the Pleasant Valley School District, she led teams of community members, teachers and administrators in developing the Parents’ Institute, Summer Academy of Learning, Gifted and Talented Symposium, Middle School Development, Strategies for Teaching and Learning, the development of a district-wide curriculum, the Data Book, as well as the city-wide summit “Goals 2000” that designed the district’s first set of instructional standards. Her work with the Secondary Learning Committee involved participants throughout the county as a visioning process for the future of the district. She has presented at a number of state conferences including the California School Board’s Association and the Association of California Administrators.

Wagner’s work in the community includes the following organizations: Neighborhoods for Learning, The University Preparation Charter School, Pleasant Valley Education Foundation, Camarillo Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, Camarillo Arts Council, Ventura County Community Foundation and recently the “Next Chapter” Camarillo Library Education Steering Committee. She was recognized as Camarillo’s Woman of the Year in 1999. She received the Golden Oak PTA Service Award in 2005, as well as ACSA’s South Ventura Charter Outstanding Curriculum Administrator in 1998.